Shoot Or Die
In early 2000 two friends and die-hard Turrican fans began working on what would become the world’s best known inofficial Turrican game.
After five years of spare-time-work and countless sleepless nights, Hurrican was released in 2007 as freeware. Hundreds of thousands of downloads later, the game has now found a new home here at winterworks, the company founded by one of the original creators of the game.
Since the release of the sourcecode, the game has been ported to a variety of platforms thanks to the help of various people.
We have also created a nice DVD-Cover in case you want to have a boxed version of the game on your shelf. And here is an alternate cover done by BitmapBrother.
old-school run & gun action
nine levels filled with unique enemies
a 'best of' of the weapons arsenal from all of the original Turrican games
an original soundtrack in the vein of Chris Hülsbeck
epic boss battles
a two-player local coop-mode

Get it
Graphics were done by Thomas Turri Schreiter
Additional leveldesign was provided by T.R. Schmidt and Gerhard Schlauchi Weihrauch
Hurrican was developed in C++ using MS Visual Studio 6.0 and DirectX 8.1
The music was composed using the ModPlug Tracker
Repository of the first port by pickle136
Another Repository by thrimbor and drfiemost
Turri and me were sharing a flat at that point and would work on the game late at night after our regular office work
We can not take over any guarantee for the functionality of the software, nor can we be held responsible for any broken keyboards / game controllers or any damage that the game or its sourcecode might cause, physical or mental :)