winterworks is an independent game developer and publisher from germany that was founded in 2012
We create video games for everyone, ranging from educational games for kids to classic video games for hardcore gamers
Our games can be found on a wide range of target platforms
Long version

Hi, my name is Jörg Winterstein (aka Eiswuxe) and I grew up playing videogames in the 80s and 90s. When I first played Turrican on the Commodore 64 in 1991 I decided to become a game developer myself one day.
That day came in 2002 when I started an apprenticeship at now defunct german gamedeveloper Spielkind.
Since then I have worked for multiple german gamedevelopers on various games and platforms until I founded my own company winterworks in 2012 to pursue my very own visions.
I create both educational games for kids and classic video games for new and old hardware. This site collects all my past and present game projects, both professional and spare-time. Many of the games were completely realized by myself, on other projects I was hired to do additional work on various disciplines including code, graphics, music and design.
Regardless of wether you want to send me a business inquiry or have any questions regarding my games, music, whatsoever...
Feel free to drop me a line at